Integrating the User into the Product Strategy

Nacho Bassino
2 min readDec 28, 2022


There are many challenges for the collaboration of Product and UX on the strategic level. As a product and design trainer and consultant, Sol Mesz works with both teams to make this collaboration more successful. She shared with us many tips and tools to help any leader get the most out of both “sides of the table”.

My Takeaways from this episode

  • How we can use tools as collaboration and communication tools to help product managers and designers link the user problem to business problems.
  • There is a lot of “integration of teams” work required to make UX & Product collaborate on strategy.
  • One key aspect to make the shift happen to a more strategic prioritization, is to have the “trios” talking about user problem spaces rather than features prioritization.
  • Sol’s Full Loop analytics framework is a reaction of teams not integrating all the quantitative perspectives (user, product, business metrics). Having this broad perspectives helps integrate different success criterias to build a more sustainably successful product.
  • For UX to keep growing, it can’t solely focus on the user, it needs to integrate the product/business perspective.

This article was originally published in

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Nacho Bassino

Working on online products, currently as Director of Product at XING. Passionate about technology and amazing web/mobile products.